Thursday, 25 October 2012

Vol. 6, no. 8

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Presentation by the National Archives of Australia Director-General - The digital reality: optimising government business in a digital world

De la communauté / From the community

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - Linked Data Platform 1.0

Article - From Information to Progress : How an Audit of Electronic Information Management May Contribute to the Overall Efficiency of an Organization

Journal of Archival Organization, vol. 10, no. 2 (2012)

Restaurator: International Journal for the Preservation of Library and Archival Material, vol. 33, no. 3-4 (October 2012)

Silhouettes: The Associates of the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick Newsletter, no. 34 (2012)

Broadsheet: the Schottish Council on Archives newsletter, no. 19 (October 2012)

ISO 19005-3:2012 - Document management - Electronic document file format for long-term preservation - Part 3: Use of ISO 32000-1 with support for embedded files (PDF/A-3)

Book - Powering Search: The Role of Thesauri in New Information Environments

eBook - Publishing and Using Cultural Heritage Linked Data on the Semantic Web

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Cultural Heritage Archives: Networks, Innovation & Collaboration
September 26-27, 2013, Washington D.C.

Library and Archives Canada, Ten Years After the Merger (video available)
October 3, 2012, Vancouver

National Declassification Center Public Forum (video available)
August 29, 2012, Washington D.C.

Sur le web / On the web
Library and Archives Canada Video - The Out of the Trenches: A Linked Open Data Project 

Now in English - France Overseas Territories Archives Website

UK National Archives Podcast - Remembering Samuel Coleridge Taylor; African British musician and pan-Africanist

Video - Digital Initiatives Forum Opening Session with the State Librarian & Library of Congress Digital Archivist Trevor Owens

Podcast - Interview with Astrid M. Eckert (author of The Struggle for the Files: The Western Allies and the Return of German Archives after the Second World War)

Outils / Tools
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Library and Archives Canada - Queen Victoria’s Journals now available at 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa

Lettre du président de l’AAQ aux quotidiens La Presse et le Devoir concernant les archives des politiciens

Centre d'archives de la Mauricie et du Centre-du-Québec - Une exposition sur la dynastie des architectes Caron

University of Victoria - Transgender Archives call for material

University of Alberta - Old books hide even older secrets from Middle Ages

Calgary - Bow Valley College records found for nearly 200,000 people on recycled computer server

Afrique / Africa
South Africa - Is the National Film, Video and Sound Archives in a Position to Preserve our Audio-visual Heritage Properly?
Burkina Faso - Hamidou Diallo, DG des archives nationales : « Avant, les gens ne savaient pas ce que sont les archives ni où les trouver »

Amériques / Americas
Virgin Island - Public records dispute goes to court today Obstructing the public's right to know

U.S. Copyright Offices Continuing Work on Orphan Works Problem With Public Inquiry

NOAA, National Archives team up with citizen-scientists to reconstruct historical climate of the Arctic

National Geographic to auction part of massive archive for first time
News of yesteryear: Online archive of digitized historical newspapers hits 5 million pages

L.A. Public Library inherits treasure of maps

Yale University - Archivist an expert on all things 'born digital'

St. John's library begins placing historic manuscripts online


Vietnam, Laos Boost Archives Management Cooperation 

Sydney Opera House to be digitally recorded by team of Scottish experts

Europe / Europa
Vienna Jewish community denies losing case to retrieve archive documents

Netherlands - Officials gave millions of death registrations to Mormon church

'Irreplaceable' Nazi-era documents stolen from Danish archives

Young Henry VIII revealed at National Library of Wales

L'Institut national de l'audivisuel ouvre des accès libres à ses archives en région

Minister Deenihan launches National Archives documents relating to Northern Ireland conflict on CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet)

Ireland - Abbey Theatre archive to go online

UK National Archives - Newly released MI5 files include early Cold War diaries

UK - The National Archives of…where, exactly?

British Film Institute to digitise Royal film collection

Introducing the British Diplomatic Oral History Programme

Filed under ‘B’ for bomb? Museum makes an explosive discovery in its archive

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Network preserving photo heritage of Middle East

UN sides with law enforcement over data retention

Digital preservation: preserving heritage and protecting civil rights: Interview with Anne Thurston, International Records Management Trust

'Collect the WWWorld' attempts to archive the internet through art

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