Thursday, 19 June 2014

Vol. 7, no. 42

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Texas State Library and Archives Commission - State Records Management Educational Materials

Archives de l'État du Valais (Suisse) - Guide de gestion des documents pour l'administration cantonale

Article - BASYS: The Federal Archives (Germany) Database-Driven Archival Management System for Description, Administration and Presentation of Metadata and Digital Archives

De la communauté / From the community
Friends of the Saskatchewan Archives - 2013 Annual Report

Communia Association - Policy Paper on Digitization Agreements for Public Domain Works: Recommendations for Cultural Heritage Institutions 

University of Manchester - Carcanet Press Email Preservation Project Phases 2-3: Final Report

Ithaka S+R - Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Host Institution Support beyond the Start-Up Phase

Qu’est-ce qu’une archive de chercheur ? 

International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives Journal, no. 43 (June 2014)

Journal of the Japan Society for Archival Science, no. 20 (May 2014)

Document Numérique, vol. 17, no. 1 (2014)

World Wide Web, vol. 17, no. 4, July 2014 (Special Issue on Social Media Preservation and Applications)

Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, vol. 7, no. 2 (June 2014) 

ACA News: the Newsletter of the Academy of Certified Archivists, no. 85 (Spring 2014)

News in Conservation, vol. 42 (June 2014)

e-Abhilekh: Quarterly Newsletter of the National Archives of India, vol. 1, no. 4 (January-March 2014)

Book - Rare Books and Special Collections

Book - Linked Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums: how to Clean, Link and Publish your Metadata 

Book - The Library Beyond the Book

Book - Complete Guide to Preventing Data Loss

Book - Discovering and Using Historical Geographic Resources on the Web: a Practical Guide for Librarians

Livre - Regroupement des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec: Petit Guide bleu de la gestion des documents et des archives

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Exposition - Ici / ailleurs: des villes en tournée (BAnQ)
Jusqu'en mai 2016, 10 villes à travers le Québec

Provincial Archives of Alberta - Women are Persons: it's the Law
July 5, 2014, Edmonton

Exhibit - Painted Faces on the Prairies: Cantonese Opera and the Edmonton Chinese Community
July 7 to September 26, 2014, Edmonton

Catholic Archives Group 2014
September 15-18, 2014, Niagara Falls

Trans-Atlantic Dialogues on Cultural Heritage: Heritage, Tourism and Traditions
13-16 July, 2015, Liverpool

Webinar - Creation of Master Archive Package (Recordings Available)
May 27, 2014

Webinar - Fragmented Publishing: the Implications of Self-Publishing (Slidecast Available)
June 11, 2014

Sur le web / On the web
Access my Info Tool (Empowers Canadians to Learn what Information their Telecom Collects about them)

British Library - Magna Carta Webpage Goes Live

Memento Version 2.0 (Allows one to Browse an entire MediaWiki Site as if it were a Date in the Past) 

Slidecast - RTÉ Content Discovery Project

Slidecast - Que peut-on attendre des réseaux sociaux: Stage technique international d'archives 2014

Slidecast - Linked Open Data

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Balanced, Modern Copyright for Canadian Creators and Consumers: Coming into Force of the Notice and Notice Regime

Internet users' privacy upheld by Canada's top court

Trudeau wants government open by default, Mulcair delighted

Evidence of abuse in residential schools could be destroyed

Documents related to St. Anne's residential school to be released

One of the Biggest American Copyright Enforcers is Coming to Conquer Canada

Guy Berthiaume - Institution de mémoire n’implique pas passéisme

Ontario - Dalton McGuinty says his office was 'overwhelmingly verbal,' kept few records

Ontario privacy watchdog wants to criminalize destruction of government records 

Signature d’une entente de collaboration entre les archivistes québécois (AAQ) et français (AAF) fait peau neuve: impacts sur le Réseau des Archives du Québec

Ottawa - Thieves snatch commemorative Second World War photos from outside of French Embassy

Le Journal de Montréal et les Archives de Montréal : de précieux souvenirs

Lloyd Axworthy donates papers to University of Winnipeg archives

McMaster University archives shed light on Normandy artificial harbours

Documenting diversity in Saskatoon

Wilfrid Laurier University Archives: Destination for Environmental Historians

South Peace Regional Archives (Alb.) seeks new home

Lambton County Archives (Ont.) - Preserving Historical Documents: Caring for your Family Documents at Home

Québec - Un projet : Les marqueurs de temps

Historical Authority and the Value of the Oral Interview

Afrique / Africa
Kenya National Archives to digitize 40,000 unique documents

Fatoumata Cissé Diarra, Directrice des Archives du Sénégal: Nous sommes à l'étroit (…). Le personnel est vieillissant ou à la retraite

Botswana - Government records in a big mess

Vers la numérisation des archives audiovisuelles en Guinée

Le Cameroun a mal à ses archives

Amériques / Americas
Argentine - Quelques réflexions sur la normalisation en matière d’évaluation

U.S. - New National Institute of Standards and Technology guidance planned as part of federal info policy

NARA - Have Your Say: Revising the Digitization Strategy

Alaska - National Archives departure impacts broad community

Portico Announces Digital Preservation Agreement with the Library of Congress

Philadelphia - National Archives' move upsets historians

How The Lorax ended up in the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library and Museum

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory - Mining Data Archives Yields Haul of Red Nuggets

Belfast Project aftermath

Freedom of Information Request: Belfast Project Documents 

Society of American Archivists - 2014 Fellows and Award Recipients

The American Folklife Center acquires the papers of folk arts pioneer Bess Lomax Hawes

Sovereignty Commission files a milestone for Mississippi archives chief

Interview: Maine State Library

100 Years of Jewish Archives on Display in New York City

Unpublished Letter From Timothy Leary Archives Revealed

Archived moments: Dickinson Museum creates online collection with 8,000 photos; thousands more yet to be processed

The PDF’s Place in a History of Paper Knowledge: an Interview with Lisa Gitelman

Preserving Digital and Software-Based Artworks: Recap of a National Agenda for Digital Stewardship Discussion

A lost 1929 Cole Porter musical to be staged in New York thanks to plenty of sleuthing

Rare Stamp Fetches Record $9.5 Million at Auction

Why rare stamps have become so valuable

World’s largest video game collection sells for over $750,000

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia - Flooding in Supreme Court basement threatens thousands of legal records

National Archives of Australia goes live with TMD's Mediaflex

Australian National University digs treasures online

The collected archives of New Zealand’s “first and greatest music historian” have found a new home at the University of Waikato library

Files of Kyoto temple, ex-Japanese POWs recommended for UNESCO listing

Images of old Shanghai gifted to city by American university

National Archives of Solomon Islands - Archives handbook launched

India - Xavier Centre of Historical Research ties up with Mangalore's World Konkani Centre to digitize records

Indian artists get 'archive fever', look to the past to find the future

Europe / Europa
Hungary - Pre-1989 communist documents to be transferred to National Archives

Czech Republic - Botched digitization endangers studies of totalitarianism

Naissance du projet «Les archives sonores de l'Europe du Goulag»

Malta - Archives chart history of the power of potions

Documents on Azerbaijan's history found in Vatican

L’Association des archivistes français va présider la Commission de normalisation CN46-11 (Archives/Gestion des documents d’activité)

Bibliothèque nationale de France - Don d’archives et de manuscrits du peintre et poète mauricien Malcolm de Chazal

France - Archivistes de tous les pays : unissez-vous (Stage technique international d'archives : visite aux Archives municipales de Beaune)
Note: On y voit votre serviteur

Ireland - Department of Health says it will return state files to National Archive

Ireland - Call for investigation of alleged Boston College-IRA archive spying

Ireland - Limerick historian mines archives for information on Tuam babies

Ireland - Derry War Memorial Records now online

Scotland - Unesco honour for Edinburgh's Carmichael Watson archive

UK - Friends of the National Archives reach over 1,000 members

British Library - Open Source Digital Forensics Adapted for Archival and Memory Institutions 

How does Operation War Diary generate its data?

War memorial records digitised for centenary

Victora & Albert Museum Acquires the Glastonbury Festival Archive

Tate Modern launches first ever ‘hackathon’ as part of new project, ‘The Space’

Exploring the George Rodger archive (one of the founders of Magnum Photos)

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Blue Shield statement on Iraq

Israel's Relations with South Africa: a new Online Publication of the Israel State Archives

Israel's National Library gets Sharansky family archive

Iranian, Chinese national libraries sign Memorandum of Understanding

On the concerns of new archivists

The uses and abuses of PDF

Voir la Grande Guerre en ligne

Thermal Camera Turns many things into Interactive Surfaces

Sharing Cultural Jewels via Instagram

Does Big Data Mean Big Metadata?

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