Thursday 16 April 2015

Vol. 8, no. 33

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
European Commission Speech - Europe's Future is Digital

Statement from B.C. Privacy Commissioner Welcoming Agreement Addressing Province’s Archival Backlog

De la communauté / From the community
Europeana Photography 2012-2015: Final Report

Qualified Dublin Core and the Digital Repository of Ireland

Society of American Archivists - Case Studies in Archival Ethics: the Harding Affair Letters

Rapport de l'Assemblée Générale de l'Association des Bibliothécaires, Archivistes, Documentalistes, Muséographes et Institutions du Cameroun

The State of the Humanities: Higher Education 2015

Paper - Colonial Archives and Second Life Post-Colonial Applications in the Digital Humanities

Article - Adaptive Web Crawling through Structure-Based Link Classification

Code4lib Journal, no. 28 (2015)

Pouvoirs, no. 153, 2015 (numéro spécial sur les archives)

Library and Archives Canada - Governance and Recordkeeping Around the World Newsletter, vol. 15, no. 2 (April 2015)

Everything Old is New Again: News From the York University Clara Thomas Archives & Special Collections (Spring 2015)

Report - Archival Strategies in Media and Entertainment: a Special Study

Book - Participatory Archives in a World of Ubiquitous Media

Book - The Curatorial: a Philosophy of Curating

Book - When Should State Secrets Stay Secret? Accountability, Democratic Governance, and Intelligence

Book - Improbable Libraries: a Visual Journey to the World's Most Unusual Libraries

Book - Mindsharing: the Art of Crowdsourcing Everything

Book - The Record Store Book: Fifty Legendary and Iconic Places to Discover New and Used Vinyl

Book - Sport History in the Digital Era

Novel - Host Writer (Book 1: the Archivist)

Livre - Cadastre et généalogie : Paris et grandes villes

Livre - Contribution aux avancées de la connaissance en information - communication

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Exhibit: Canadian Soldiers of the First World War
April 13 - May 1, 2015, York University

Learn about Archive Ontario’s Collection
April 28, 2015, Toronto

Getting ready for Linked Data: MARC to BIBFRAME
June 2, 2015, Ottawa

Islandora Webinar: Mind the Gap: Bridging Digital Libraries and Archives
April 28, 2015

Questions d'archivage d'actualité et transversales : état des lieux et développement
5 juin 2015, Chavannes-près-Renens (Suisse)

What do we Lose when we Lose a Library
September 9-11, 2015, Leuven (Belgium)

Archives et démocratie à l’ère du numérique : nouveaux enjeux, nouvelles responsabilités pour les archivistes (vidéos disponibles)
6 février 2015, Angers (France)

Webinar - Email, Social Media and Website Archiving for Beginners: An Archival View for Librarians (Recording Available)
April 9, 2015

NARA National Declassification Center Prioritization: what Secrets Do People Want to See? (Recording Available)
April 10, 2015, Washington D.C.

Sur le web / On the web
Historical Supreme Court of Canada Judgments now Available Online

African Journal Archive now Online
Emularity (a Loader Designed to be Used with a Family of in-Browser Emulation Systems)
Culture Object (Open Source WordPress Plugin for Getting Museum Objects Online)

Video - Worst Federal Jobs in the U.S. Federal Government (the National Archivist Testifies)

Video Series - Saving the Timbuktu Manuscripts

Financement participatif - Sauvons les Manuscrits de Tombouctou au Mali

Video - The Last Reel

Bibliography of Writings on the History of Libraries, Librarianship, and Book Culture (Spring 2015)

Slidecast - Software Curation as a Digital Preservation Service

Slidecast - The Curator Rules

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Unearthed artifacts on Parliament Hill tell pre-Confederation story 

Library and Archives Canada - Progress on the government record backlog

Library and Archives Canada acquires Robert Hood watercolours

B.C. - Agreement reached to address archival backlog

Prince Edward Island Public Archives and Records Office - Over 26,600 post-1906 death records are now searchable 

Toronto’s iSchool Leads Snowden Archive and Surveillance Response

Communiqué de l'Institut d'histoire de l'Amérique française - Fermeture du portail Archives Canada-France

Mise à jour de la situation d'Archives Canada-France

Ontario land surveyors can sue land registry managers for copyright infringement, court says

Québec - En route vers le dépôt électronique des documents

Un nouveau fonds sur les orphelins de Duplessis à BAnQ Vieux-Montréal

Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Center - Oral history project focuses on children of Holodomor survivors

Burnaby (B.C.) - City archives in need of expansion

Burnaby takes cautious approach to archives expansion

Negatives capture a bit of Sudbury's history

Hamilton Spectator archives may show the way to the future: King and James was the heart of Hamilton in 1944, and can be again  

Northumberland’s (Ont.) historic records revealed in vault opening

Meet the Archivist: Erin Walsh, Port Hope Archives (Ont.)

Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives (Ont.) - Why Education Records Matter

CHEX-TV celebrates its own 60-year history after helping document Peterborough's (Ont.) past with a program called Settling the Backwoods

Tecumseh (Ont.) Online Archives Launched

Lloydminster Regional Archives (Alb.) to celebrate churches

Fire Destroys a Missisquoi Historical Society (Que.) Building and Contents

Kamloops (B.C.) - Does the museum need a building?

Afrique / Africa
Mali - International community supports UNESCO’s #Unite4Heritage campaign in Timbuktu

La Bibliothèque nationale du Maroc n'admet que les bacheliers

South Africa - University of the Witwatersrand: memorabilia of the late Helen Suzman has been digitally preserved for posterity

South Africa - Vinyl records making a comeback

Amériques / Americas
National Archives Tackles Email Management

Tracking Digital Collections at the Library of Congress, from Donor to Repository

Library of Congress: the Unexpected Diplomat

Library of Congress - Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature Launched

NARA - Photographs Relating to the Marshall Plan and Post-WWII Economic Recovery in France Employees Caught Throwing Away Records they Were Supposed to Be Archiving for the US Government

Donated materials offer clearer picture of George H.W. Bush's presidency

150 years after Lincoln assassination, massive online archive goes live

Grassroots radio gets profile in new online archive

American Archive of Public Broadcasting at WGBH - Preserving History

Bill to allow photographing of documents passes Alabama Senate

More than 100 University of Oregon professors sign letter urging suspended archivist James Fox's reinstatement

Anarchist’s Archive Gets Temporary Reprieve: Donors Buy Time for Emma Goldman Project 

Stanford Literary Lab Maps Emotions in Victorian London

University of Texas professors look to digitize Central State Hospital archives

Student groups preserve their history with University of California, Los Angeles’s new archive project

Montana State University's student newspaper to post website with 120 years of Exponent archives 

Japanese Americans Protest Sale of Art from World War II Internment Camps

Key handwritten scientific document by Alan Turing sells for $1 million in New York
For a Biography of John Wilkes Booth, Terry Alford Turns to Amateur Researchers
Kim Kardashian has already created an 'archive' of outfits for her daughter who will inherit her entire wardrobe

Iowa - Women’s political speeches and ads available through Catt Center archive

See Early Ads and Photographs From the McDonald’s Archives

Dallas' Treasured Documents Protected

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia - Photographers call on WWII veterans to sit for national archives album

National library of Australia to show 500-year-old illuminated manuscript for first time

Australia - Rare books collection donated to the State Library of Victoria

Australia - Gallipoli 2015: Diary of a WWI digger discovered 100 years after it was written

New Zealand - Fairfax's photo nightmare

L’après tsunami : le Japon à la recherche de sa mémoire

Vietnam - Archipels : Quang Nam organise une formation sur les archives

Hong Kong artist Ha Bik-chuen's archives made available for public use 

Click through history of Singapore theatre with digital archive The Repository

Malaysia - Public not Aware of Importance of Records Management, Say Academics

India - Subhas Chandra Bose's kin snooping case: UPA declassified first batch of Netaji files in 2012

India - New files reveal Intelligence Bureau 'ratted' on Bose's family to British MI5 and Nehru allowed UK spy to reside in Delhi AFTER independence

Europe / Europa
How newsreels told the story of the First World War

When fire devastated great Moscow library in January, book lovers stepped up: the state didn't

Secret Archives Show Vatican Tried to Stop Armenian Genocide

Preserving the Ghastly Inventory of Auschwitz

Prague library to digitise works of Czech Jewish authors

Kazakhstan - State Archive to Present Book Chronicling 20th Century History of Kazakhstan’s Jewish Community

MKD, Macedonia: Greece to open the archives of the Communist Party, called Macedonian refugees from Aegean Macedonia

German schoolboy makes freedom of information request asking government to release exam papers

The Untold Story of Mussolini’s Fake Diaries

Armenian's pages full of pain kept in Italian archives 

Researcher-in-residence at the National Library of the Netherlands

Suisse - Canton de Vaud: Les documents anciens passent à l’ère 2.0 pour mieux se retirer
Suisse - Histoire de St-Maurice: sept siècles de documents déposés aux archives valaisannes

France - Génocide des Tutsis: la liste des pièces déclassifiées par l’Elysée

Preuves de vie : les SMS et e-mails de Pierre Guyotat entrent à la Bibliothèque nationale de France

France - Les archives d'Édouard Glissant déclarées trésor national

Scotland - University of Glasgow: Conservation analysis and basic conservation treatment for archive’s photographs collection 

A Dance Takes Shape From Pringle of Scotland’s Archives

British Library - British wildlife recordings on the move

Story written by future Queen Victoria aged 10 to be published for first time

Fake Shakespeare play Double Falsehood 'is genuine' after all

Birmingham - Grim deaths unveiled in city's archives dating back to 12th century

Centuries-old family album's trans-Atlantic journey ends at Quarry Bank

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Turkey opens Ottoman archives over 1915 incidents on 100th anniversary

European Parliament urges Turkey to open archives of 1915

Early data on deaths rewrites history in dust of Ottoman archives

Cultural heritage at heart of propaganda battle in Iraq

Data Storytelling and Historical Knowledge

How ‘You Do You’ Perfectly Captures our Narcissistic Culture

Infographics: PDF/UA and WCAG 2.0

Mapped: the world's most open governments

Why we Have a Civic Responsibility to Protect Cultural Treasures During Wartime

Digital strategy is not enough: we need to embrace design thinking
Tweets and Deletes: Silences in the Social Media Archive

Why it's down to this generation to begin preserving video game history

Internet Archive and Chinese Academic Digital Associative Library Partner to Digitize 500,000 Academic Texts

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