Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
NARA - Partnership Agreement (For Public Comment)
U.S. Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative - Digitizing Motion Picture Film: Exploration of the Issues and Sample SOW (Draft for Comment)
U.S. Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative - MXF Application Specification (Draft for Comment)
Agence du patrimoine immatériel de l'État (France) - Droit d'auteur, droit à l'image à l'ère du numérique
De la communauté / From the community
Branche Pacifique du Conseil International des Archives (PARBICA) - Bon archivage, clé d'une bonne gouvernance
Canadian Association of Research Libraries - 8Rs Redux: Libraries Human Resources Study
Guidelines for Digital Preservation at the Leibniz Information Center for Economics
American Institute of Conservation - Charting the Digital Landscape of the Conservation Profession (Draft for Comments)
Sedona Conference - Practical In-House Approaches for Cross-Border Discovery and Data Protection (Public Comment Version)
La visualisation des données en histoire
Article - Portage: Supporting Canadian Innovation through Shared Expertise and Stewardship of Research Data
Paper - De-totalizing Capture: on Personal Recording and Archiving Practices
Restaurator: International Journal for the Preservation of Library and Archival Material, vol. 36, no. 3 (September 2015)
Les Cahiers du numérique, vol. 11, no. 3, 2015 (Numéro spécial: Archives audiovisuelles et valorisation du patrimoine à l’ère du numérique)
Review of the National Center for Digitization, no. 26 (2015)
Journal of Map & Geography Libraries, vol. 11, no. 2, 2015 (Special Issue: Geospatial Data Management, Curation, and Preservation)
Broadsheet: Magazine of the Scottish Council on Archives, no. 34 (2015)
Mémoires d'avenir: le journal des Archives nationales de France, no. 20 (septembre-novembre 2015)
Library of Congress Magazine, vol. 4, no. 5 (September-October 2015)
Book - Local History Reference Collections for Public Libraries
Book - British Columbia and Yukon Gold Hunters: a History in Photographs
Book - Working Memory: Women and Work in World War II
Book - Ethics and Values in Librarianship: a History
Book - The House of Twenty Thousand Books
Book - Data Management for Researchers: Organize, Maintain and Share your Data for Research Success
Book - Routledge International Handbook of Memory Studies
Book - You: for Sale: Protecting your Personal Data and Privacy Online
Book - Metadata and Semantics Research
Book - The Charlie Chaplin Archives
Livre - Diplomatique et diplomatie : les traités (Moyen âge - début du XIXe siècle)
Livre - Les mormons et la généalogie : comment utiliser Familysearch pour retrouver ses ancêtres dans le monde entier ?
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Surrey Archives (B.C.) - Fall Series
September 12 to November 14, 2015, Surrey
Gender and Social Justice: Networking and Activism in the Archives
September 16, 2015, Victoria (B.C.)
Free Online Conference - Open Source Software and Tools for the Library and Archive
September 17, 2015
Second Annual American Photography Archives Group Seminar
September 18-19, 2015, New York City
First Annual European Association for Digital Humanities Symposium
October 8, 2015, Madrid (Spain)
Classification & Authority Control: Expanding Resource Discovery
October 29-30, 2015, Lisbon (Portugal)
Digital Public Library of America Fest 2016
April 14-15, 2016, Washington D.C.
International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications 2016
October 13-16, 2016, Copenhagen (Denmark)
Metadata and Ubiquitous Access to Culture, Science and Digital Humanities (Proceedings Available)
September 1-5, 2015, São Paulo (Brazil)
Sur le web / On the web
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada - Portail Archives Canada-France de nouveau disponible
Wikimedia - Release of the Wikidata Query Service
Videos - Listen to Voices from Around the World on Archives at Risk
Belgique - Archives de l'État, Bibliothèque royale, Institut géographique national - Cartesius
Les Archives de l'État de Genève (Suisse) sont maintenant sur Facebook et Twitter
Slidecast - Map of the Digital Humanities
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
Explainer: Seven steps to peek into a government file
Canada wanted £20,000 bounty for Franklin Expedition ships posted by Brits in 1850
Association of Canadian Archivists - AAQ - ACA Entente
Inuktitut digital library aims to improve early education for Inuit
Archives of Manitoba - Vessels of War
Jewish Museum and Archives of BC Debuts New Graphic Identity
University of Manitoba law prof to head research at the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
Les archives de l'Université de Montréal diffusent des photos inédites du frère Marie-Victorin
University of Waterloo Special Collections and Archives - Women's Studies collections
What university campuses used to look like in Toronto
McGill - New appointments at the School of Information Studies
Racines acadiennes: une chronique de généalogie
Royal Winnipeg Ballet studios, archives severely damage by flooding
Association for Manitoba Archives - Message from the Royal Winnipeg Ballet Archivist
Yellowknife's museum unveils Richard Howell photo collection from 1930s
London - Heritage fun on the buses, rails and Internet
Saskatchewan - Chicken farm hired to shred confidential records, report says
Thunder Bay public library to offer Ojibway classes for free
Charlevoix is back. So is Archives Canada-France
Allana Mayer : Thoughts on discourse (on advocacy in the Canadian Archival System)
Association des archivistes du Québec - Archives au quotidien: présence des archives dans les médias interactifs
Afrique / Africa
Maroc - Le Conseil de gouvernement adopte deux projets de décret relatifs à la sécurité nucléaire et à la gestion des archives
Sénégal - Désuétude du métier d’archiviste et documentaliste
State of Archives in South Africa: Archival Platform briefing; Use of Official Languages Act implementation: Department briefing
Amériques / Americas
Martin Scorsese urges Uruguay to support its film archive in crisis
Colombie - Carthagène des Indes à la recherche de sa mémoire
Library of Congress - Testing old tapes for playability: noninvasive infrared spectroscopy could help archivists prioritize tape recordings for digitization
National Archives' Facebook-like platform for workers goes mobile
Digital Public Library of America Archival Description Working Group
The National Digital Platform for Libraries: an Interview with Trevor Owens and Emily Reynolds from Institute of Museum and Library Services
State Archives of North Carolina - Government Records Section: Service Statistics for fiscal year 2014-2015
Berkeley University - Case Study of the Digital Files from the Reginald H. Barrett Papers
The University of Iowa's fanzine collection is going digital before it falls apart
Wake Forest University - Five Questions for Stephanie Bennett, Collections Archivist
Dallas Central Library Is Selling Part of its 38,000-piece Record Collection
Brockton marine historian believes shipwreck story is latest in string of frauds
St. Louis - Metro East man charged for destroying National Archive records
Investor Investigation over potential wrongdoing at Iron Mountain
The Last Audio Cassette Factory
Woman delivers postcard to rightful owner 70 years after it was sent
Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia is celebrating Papua New Guinea's 40 years of independence
Australia - Jessie Smith's files highlight absurd control of Aboriginal workers
Singapore art archive project heads to Korea
Ruined Records: courts struggle to fish out cases swept away in Kashmir floods
Government Invites you to Participate in Digitizing India & Make Money
National Film Archives of India to move beyond features
India - Century-old land records to go online to help buyers before purchase
Europe / Europa
Set of archives from the European Free Trade Association deposited at the Historical Archives of the European Union
European Holocaust Research Infrastructure is looking for Holocaust Researchers, digital humanists and archivists
Europeana - Jane Austen and zombies, and other literary mash-ups
Television, film, broadcasting: where are the open collections?
Key Igor Stravinsky work found after 100 years
Soviet detention of Japanese (after WWII) shrouded in secrecy
What does the web remember of its deleted past? (about the Yugoslavia web domain)
Kentec helps protect the Archive of Serbia
Research confirms: new Spanish ancillary copyright is actually good for no one
Luxembourg family history searches easier thanks to online archive
Belgique - Saint-Hubert: les Archives de l'État vont fermer
Association des archivistes français - L'état civil en danger
Service interministériel des archives de France - Les dossiers de tutelle de majeurs
Bibliothèque nationale de France - Extension du droit à la photographie individuelle de documents
France - Les archives d'Édouard Glissant déclarées Trésor national : reconnaissance et valorisation d'un fonds exceptionnel
France - Un notaire jugé pour avoir mis aux enchères un manuscrit des Mémoires d’outre-tombe
France - Mylène Pardoen, archéologue des sons
Funding cuts had savage impact on National Library of Ireland
National Library of Ireland - Online Catholic parish register records receive 4m hits
UK refuses to release 100-year-old details of its Irish spies
UK Government - What we’re doing on open standards
Inquiry into freedom of information won't be subject to freedom of information
UK National Archives - Second World War prisoner of war records now online
UK National Archives - The 1939 Register: when is a census not a census?
The British Library Puts Over 1,000,000 Images in the Public Domain: a Deeper Dive Into the Collection
Exploring Empire: the photographic collections of the former British Empire & Commonwealth Museum
Beyond digitisation: three institutions making the most of their digital archives
University of Sussex - Richard Attenborough personal and work archive to be made public
Kill the archivist! The Women’s Art Library and Feminist Review research bursary 2015
Letters written by Ulverston-born Stan Laurel to be auctioned
Moyen-Orient / Middle East
United Arab Emirates - National Archives to set up Martyrs Archive
Emirati collector's slice of United Arab Emirate history in his own home
The United Arab Emirate's wildlife app Charles Darwin would have wanted
Saudi Arabia - Governor launches move to preserve Madinah script
Syria - Aleppo becomes first war zone filmed in 360 video
Syria - An Unlikely Archivist for Armenian Aleppo: a Punk Drummer from D.C.
My Stroll with Bridget Sisk, Chief, UN Archives and Records Management Section
Big Data: Some Historical Perspectives
Cinema Paradiso c'est fini : les salles obscures basculent au tout numérique
Internet a-t-il tué la hiérarchie du savoir ?
Flash, holograms? Where will your archive end up?
Optical media is set to be archival standard
Linked Open Data built from a custom web API
Is VHS making a comeback?
Infrastructure for Emulation
The International Fight Over Marcel Duchamp's Chess Set
Top reasons why companies outsource records management services
The role of libraries in Science 2.0: addressing the needs of researchers
Digital Humanities is not Ones and Zeros
Fashion companies have discovered their secret weapon: archives
Incredible Technology: how to Preserve Historical Documents
Cool cartography: the art of mapmaking
Is the writing on the wall for handwriting?
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