Thursday, 15 December 2016

Vol. 10, no. 16

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Texte de Guy Berthiaume, Bibliothècaire et Archiviste du Canada - Un jour nouveau pour les GLAM

National Archives of Australia - General Records Authority: Public Interest Disclosure 

UK National Archives - Record Transfer Report: Autumn 2016

UK National Archives - Information Management Assessment: Ministry of Justice

National Library of Medicine-Developed Software as Cultural Heritage

De la communauté / From the community
InterPARES Trust responds to EGAD-RiC

Pericles - Introduction to an Emulation-Based Preservation Strategy for Software-Based Artworks

Image Permanence Institute - Quick Reference Guide (Second Edition)

Council on Library and Information Resource - Keepers of our Digital Future: an Assessment of the National Digital Stewardship Residencies, 2013-2016

International Alliance of Research Library Associations - Working Together to Ensure the Future of the Digital Scholarly Record 

Text and Data Mining in Higher Education and Public Research

German Library Association - Report on the State of Libraries in Germany: Facts and Figures

Pew Research Center - Information Overload Report

La Gazette des archives, no 243 (2016)

Arbido : périodique de l'Association des archivistes suisses et de Bibliothèque Information Suisse, 4/2016

Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, vol. 28, no. 4 (2016)

Information Research: and International Electronic Journal, vol. 21, no. 4 (December 2016)

Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, vol. 9, no. 4 (December 2016)

International Journal of Information Management, vol. 37, no. 1 (February 2017)

IFLA Journal, vol. 42, no.4 (December 2016)

Santé mentale au Québec, vol. 41, no. 2, 2016 (numéro spécial : l'archive psychiatrique)

Mémoire d'avenir : le journal des Archives nationales de France, no. 25 (janvier-mars 2017)

The Archival Spirit: Archivists of Religious Collections, Section of the Society of American Archivists Newsletter (December 2016)

Wikimedia Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums Newsletter, vol. 6, no. 11 (2016)

Book - Children in the Holocaust and its Aftermath: Historical and Psychological Studies of the Kestenberg Archive

Book - The Data Librarian's Handbook 

Book  - Bringing Children and Youth into Canadian History: the Difference Kids Make

Book - Early London (Ontario) 1826-1914: a Photographic History from the Orr Collection

Book - Death, Image, Memory: the Genocide in Rwanda and its Aftermath in Photography and Documentary Film

Book - Recoding World Literature: Libraries, Print Culture, and Germany 

Book - Freedom and Information: a History

Book - Lessons from the Past? Memory, Narrativity and Subjectivity

Book - Challenging the Dichotomy: the Licit and the Illicit in Archaeological and Heritage Discourses

Book - The Early Photographers of Perthshire

Book - Developing Librarian Competencies for the Digital Age

Livre - Les archives hospitalières : regards croisés

Livre - Papiers d'Océanie : le fonds Lesson : bibliothèques, archives et objets 

Livre - D'obscurantisme et de lumières : la bibliothèque publique au Québec des origines au 21e siècle

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Library and Archives Canada -  Discussions with Alberto Manguel, Ed Broadbent, Carla Hayden and Louise Arbour 
January 11, February 7, March 14, May 2, 2017, Ottawa

Webinar Series - Strategies for Advancing Hidden Collections 
January 11 - February 15, 2017

Digitising the Edwin Morgan Scrapbooks: Free Training & Launch Event
January 20, 2017, Glasgow (Scotland)

January 27, 2017, Ottawa

Archiving Oral Histories
January 28, 2017, New York

Parchment, Paper and Pixels Medieval Writing and Modern Technology
February 2-3, 2017, Maastricht (Netherlands)

Dark Tourism Sites Related to the Holocaust, the Nazi Past and World War II: Visitation and Practice
June 28 - July 1, 2017, Glasgow (Scotland)

46th Association of European Research Libraries Annual Conference
July 5-7, 2017, Patras (Greece)

Le crowdsourcing pour partager, enrichir et publier des sources patrimoniales 
18-20 octobre 2017, Angers (France)

Journée d'étude : Valorisation du patrimoine et numérique (vidéos disponibles)
19 octobre 2016, Paris

Virtual Conference - Central Plains Network for Digital Asset Management (Recordings Available)
November 15-16, 2016

Sur le web / On the web
Video - Orders in Council: Meet the Sisters Behind One of Canada's Greatest Family History Resources

Association des archivistes de l'Église de France - Guide des fonds privés ecclésiastiques français

Cemmento: a Digital Preservation Tool for Annotations

New Group - Open-Source Historical Mapping

Video - Introduction to the Captured German Records at the U.S. National Archives

Video - Archaeologies of Media and Technology

Video - Infrastructural Support for Research Information Management

Slidecast - Reference Rot in Scholarly Communication: a Reliable Quantification and a Proposed Solution

Slidecast - The Future of Finding at the University of Oxford

Slidecast - Improving the Reported Use and Impact of Institutional Repositories

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale keeps door open to CSIS use of metadata gathered from innocent people

Federal cabinet secretly approved Cold War wiretaps on anyone deemed subversive, historian finds

Federal scientists get OK to talk to reporters after Tory muzzle removed

Federal government's project off the rails

Library of Parliament Committee hasn't met in 19 months

The Canadian International Development Agency Photography Collections: a Visual Perspective on Canadian International Aid

Library and Archives Canada - How much does your collection weigh? Part two

Library and Archives Canada - How to Cite Archival Sources

Rare views of Japanese-Canadian internment: 19 images remembering one of Canada's darkest hours

47-year-old burger among archived items tabled at Alberta legislature

Archives Alberta - Home for the Holidays? Security Precautions for Archives

Nova Scotia Archives - A Mystery Solved, with a Surprising Reward

BAnQ - Les archives de la province se trouvent dans Rosemont

BAnQ - Gaston Miron nous quittait il y a 20 ans déjà

BAnQ - Exacta, Trifecta ou Superfecta?

Archives of Manitoba - One Manitoba Soldier: Letters and Parcels

Doing the Work: the Historian's Place in Indigenization and Decolonization

Never-before-seen collection of CCF-NDP founder J.S. Woodsworth donated to Simon Fraser University Library

Co-operative books in the University of Saskatchewan Archives and Special Collections

A beer library to call our own: University of Guelph researchers preserving Canadian hop varieties

University of Alberta - The Right to Be Forgotten

KKK books a study room at McMaster University Library

Canada's University Libraries Are in Peril

La chance… ou la réussite professionnelle des finissants en archivistique

Centre d'archives de la Grande zone argileuse - Cantiques de Noël

Quebec Algonquins file title claim to downtown Ottawa

Ottawa Public Library announces recommendations for new flagship Ottawa Central Library 

Winnipeg - City archives a national embarrassment

Toronto group wants to save science and climate change data from Trump with internet archiving

Notman, a Visionary Photographer: Montreal Mounts a Sensational Historic Exhibit

Montréal accorde un contrat de 764 296 $ à la Société des archives affectives pour l'œuvre d'art public L'étreinte des temps

Unique collection of rare artifacts from Major Matthews (city's first archivist) reveals Vancouver's history

New Building for North Vancouver Museum and Archives

Québec - Demande d'accès à l'information: le maire Labeaume s'inquiète d'abus potentiels

Archives de la ville de Québec - Patiner avec vue : les patinoires du Vieux-Québec

Sherbrooke - Une tonne de documents d'archives dorénavant accessible au public

Peel Art Gallery Museum and Archives - Staff Favourites: the Township of Toronto Benchmark Book

La Société d'histoire du Lac-Saint-Jean lance un projet photo pour documenter l'année 2017

L'histoire de la fusion de Rouyn et Noranda, deux villes jumelles pas toujours fusionnelles

Alberta - Claude Roberto prend sa retraite des archives francophones de la province

Thirteen Questions with: Allison Milne, Advisor, Content Management, Export Development Canada

Inventive Ways of Using Archives to Engage with the Past

Did you Know? Archives in the Bible

Allana Mayer - The affect of the digital divide

Archivist Squibs Mercier, 92, honoured by the Ottawa Kennel Club

Le fondateur des bibliothèques publiques rurales du Québec s'éteint

What Do you Do with your Grandfather's Genuine Nazi Flag?

Tendres archives : l'esquisse des origines à travers une danse documentaire et autobiographique

Afrique / Africa
Cap-Vert - Le gouvernement estime que l'avenir des Archives nationales dépend d'un nouveau modèle de gestion et de reformatage

Cameroun - Difficile archivage des données d’état civil

Amériques / Americas
New Mexican Law Threatens Access to Information, Censorship in Archives

Guyana - Reds donates first pieces of memorabilia to Sports Archives at National Racquet Centre

Gender, Slavery, and the Archive in Cuba: an Interview with Aisha Finch

Released Operation Condor Files Show CIA Torture in Argentina

Barack Obama to Archive Torture Report, Declassify After 12 Years

Declassifying the Presidency: the 50th anniversary of the Freedom of Information Act

Trump's Tweets: will they Go in the National Archives?

Trump's national security adviser shared secrets without permission, files show

Why I'm trying to preserve federal climate data before Trump takes office

Society of American Archivists - What Can Archivists Do about Concerns Regarding Federal Climate and Environmental Data?

Internet Archives - Preserving U.S. Government Websites and Data as the Obama Term Ends

The Library of Congress Is Putting its Map Collection on the Map

National Archives' celebration of the Bill of Rights' 225th anniversary

NARA - Hollywood, Model Planes, and Atomic Bombs: Office of Naval Research Support for Vertical Envelopment

NASA has shared its massive GIF archive with Pinterest and GIPHY

California State Archives Releases Spanning the Bay: Celebrating the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge the Latest Digitized Exhibit Available Online

State Archives of North Carolina - Local Government Minutes Microfilming Questions & Answers

North Carolina - Picture the Past: Forest History Society Repeat Photography Project

Alabama Media Group makes largest gift to state archives, opens access to millions of unseen historical photos

Records management should create data environment to facilitate collaboration

Yale Highlights an Archive of African-American Culture on Its 75th Anniversary

Archives uncovered, Engineering Honors Society documents added to Lafayette College Archives

College of William and Mary Acquires Unpublished Archive of James Monroe Letters From Raab

A stitch in time: Central Washington University professor tracks history of embroidered seed sack to people held in slavery on South Carolina plantation

International Center for the History of Electronic Games - Preserving Video Game History with the Brian Fargo Papers, 1983-2012

The Unlikely Story of how Nitrate Film Endures

Inside the Bob Dylan Archive

Primary Source Material in the Public Library

Atlanta Housing Authority - Catching Pokémon: a Historically Themed Pokémon Scavenger Hunt Outreach Activity

The eyes of the city: 20 years of street photography: in pictures

Terre Haute, Indiana - City to archive social media posts 

Nashville's storied music spaces threatened with silence

Atlanta's modernist Archives Building not coming down as anticipated

Wrongful arrest by software: a California county is struggling with its new computer-based case management system

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Outside funding pays for new Trove content after National Library of Australia cuts

Cassie Findlay (Records Management Consultant) - My comments on the RiC conceptual model for archival description from ICA

Internet companies forced to block the Pirate Bay, bittorrent websites in Australia, Federal Court rules

Do not touch: what happens when museum visitors ignore the signs

How pre-teens using metadata found a whistleblower in two hours

WWII Japan archives gather dust in Russia 

China - Nanjing Massacre inscribed in UNESCO archives

Thailand - Help sought for archive on late King 

Bangladesh - War history e-archived

A new lease of life for a 200-year-old Indian library

Europe / Europa
Europeana Photography Collection at the starting line: curated stories, interactive features and beautiful images on Europeana

Web users' metadata can be tracked by targeted ads, leaked draft European Union law reveals

European Commission's proposal on Text and Data mining: a strategic mistake

How Russia is engaged in a battle for its own history

What is behind Russia's new information security doctrine?

Russia - Trams on the St. Petersburg's frozen river in archive photos

Slovenia not to leverage accession talks to pressure Serbia on archives

Why Austria is restoring a 1924 film that predicted the rise of the Nazis

Two Dutch Digital Preservation Coalition Preservation Awards: what is it all about?

Reviving archives through remix: how a Dutch archival project is reinvigorating electronic music

Rare photo collection acquired, most important archive on 19th century Cyprus

Bibliothèque nationale suisse - Accès à plus de 2 millions d'articles de revues scientifiques

Les manuscrits du Mont-Saint-Michel bientôt accessibles à tous sur internet

Ireland - Historic papers found in a skip to be donated to the State

Ireland - National Web Archive to preserve top ten websites chosen by Irish public

Ireland - Archive footage captures the magic of Christmas in Dublin in 1961

Ireland - Leave no trace? How to combat off the record government

National Library of Scotland - Digitisation and Inserts

Aberystwyth University and National Library of Wales collaborate on study of radicalism in Wales

UK - What would an archivist do as information commissioner?

Classified Battle of Orgreave files to be released by Home Office

UK National Archives - How to trace your criminal ancestors 

UK National Archives - Our new classroom resource: Christmas is cancelled

UK National Archives - A Graphic War and our records

UK National Archives - An introduction to information risk

UK National Archives - Edwardian place and society: the Valuation Office survey 

British Library - Using our science collections

British Library - The Women's Football Association archive

Case study: Digitising the National Holocaust Centre & Museum’s collection

Tate Modern Avails Artist Sketchbooks in Digital Archive

Treasures of the Empire: rediscovered in scrapyards: ten copper plates used to print maps in the 18th Century are unearthed in Norfolk

How I Started: Melinda Haunton, Archivist, UK National Archives

Photographer wins David and Goliath copyright battle against giant picture agency Alamy

Why Every Copy of a Book is Different

JK Rowling illustrated manuscript sells for $467,000 at auction

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Egypt - Dozens of rare Islamic books seized at Cairo Airport on way to Doha authentic

NATO supports preservation of Afghanistan’s historic and cultural sites

RiC[h]-CM description, relationships and standards

OAIS: a cage or a guide?

Your Encoded Archival Description Primer: Part 1

Finding Wisdom in the Letters of Aging Writers

The Problem of History in the Age of Abundance

PDF/A as a preferred, sustainable format for spreadsheets?

Vers une automatisation de la conception des vocabulaires contrôlés ?

Is older hardware in danger of being left behind by pro game consoles?

Universities uncertain about lecture-capture 

2016 Gift Guide: 11 Gift Ideas for History Buffs

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