Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
House of Commons - Towards Privacy by Design: Review of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
Council of Ministers of Education, Canada - Policy Statement on Fair Dealing
Government of Alberta - Managing Government Records in a Unified Communications Environment
France - Étude sur le développement de l'archivage électronique dans les territoires
European Parliament - The Exception for Text and Data Mining in the Proposed Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market
UK National Archives - Information Management Assessment: Central Department for Transport
De la communauté / From the community
Portage - Draft Institutional Research Data Management Strategy Template
International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance - Annual Report 2017
Women Under Nazi Persecution : a Primary Source Supplement Based on Documents from the International Tracing Service
Visual Resources Association - Cataloging and Metadata Survey Report
Paper - Data Sustainability and Reuse Pathways of Natural Resources and Environmental Scientists
Archives and Manuscripts, vol. 46, no. 1 (2018)
Arbido : revue professionnelle pour archivistes, bibliothécaires et documentalistes, no 1 (2018)
Journal of the South African Society of Archivists, vol. 50 (2017)
Newsletter from the Manuscript Repositories Section of the Society of American Archivists (Spring 2018)
The Chronicle: the Newsletter of the Jewish Museum and Archives of British Columbia, vol. 24, no. 1 (2018)
Ukrainian Museum of Canada News (Winter 2018)
The Burlington Historical Society (Ontario) Gazette, vol. 14, no. 3 (March 2018)
Book - Electronic Document and Records Management System (Second Edition)
Book - Job Descriptions for Information Management and Information Governance
Book - Information Governance Body of Knowledge
Book - Nova Scotia's Industrial Heritage
Book - Tracking Indigenous Heritage
Book - Digital Palaeography
Book - Development of Creative Spaces in Academic Libraries: a Decision Maker's Guide
Book - Licensing Electronic Resources in Academic Libraries: a Practical Handbook
Book - Copyright's Excess: Money and Music in the US Recording Industry
Book - Parliament, Inventions and Patents: a Research Guide and Bibliography
Book - Dreamer with a Thousand Thrills: the Rediscovered Photographs of Tom Palumbo
Livre - Retrouver ses ancêtres italiens (deuxième édition)
Livre - Retrouver ses ancêtres polonais (deuxième édition)
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
The Artist's Mirror: Self Portraits
March 10, 2018 - January 16, 2019, Calgary
Truth and Reconciliation in Archeology
March 21, 2018, Toronto
Blockchain in Government
March 22, 2018, Ottawa
Council of Nova Scotia Archives Annual General Meeting & Workshop Day
May 10, 2018, Halifax
Second Blockchain@UBC Summer Open Source Blockchain Knowledge Building Initiative
May 14-25, 2018, Vancouver
Online Course - The Holocaust through the Perspective of Primary Sources
Application Until April 10, 2018
Online Privacy & Security: Best Practices for Librarians eCourse
Starting March 12, 2018
Encountering the Archive: Simulations, Manipulations, and Debunking
April 5-6, 2018, New Delhi (India)
Who Was Britain's First Female Photographer?
May 3, 2018, London (UK)
International Conference on Libraries and Archives in the Digital Humanities Era
October 3-5, 2018, Paris
Need to Know VIII: Access to Secrets: New Sources and New Interpretation of Intelligence
November 28-29, 2018, Bodø (Norway)
Sur le web / On the web
Podcast - Quebec Province's Local Archives
Historical Reminiscents Podcast: Program Evaluation and GLAMs
Pilote d'interopérabilité pour les Autorités Archivistiques françaises : démonstrateur
American Archive of Public Broadcasting Digital Exhibit - Protecting Places: Historic Preservation and Public Broadcasting
Baladodiffusion - Archives: le sens du temps
Présentation - Monter des archives
Slides - Data Praxis: a could Be Common Cause
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
Canada's Privacy Commissioner contemplates new online erasure, data protection rules
Fair Dealing and the Right to Read: the Case of Blacklock's Reporter v. Canada
British Columbians are more Freedom of Information-hungry than all other Western provinces combined
Newfoundland proposed to sell Labrador to Quebec
Archives of Manitoba - Scrapbooking the First World War
Québec - Données de dossiers médicaux: la Commission d'accès à l'information enquêtera
BAnQ - Trois nouvelles acquisitions pour l'étude de l'histoire des femmes au Québec
BAnQ - Elle perd son emploi parce qu'elle est une femme
Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish Archives 2017 News
Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives - What's in the Archives? Glad Day Bookshop Signs
Canadian Educators Sue Copyright Organization
University of Toronto iSchool Student Associations Respond to Changes to Inforum
Students, profs want University of Prince Edward Island included in Freedom of Information Act
UBC acquires rare 1st edition of Harry Potter for roughly $47K Cdn
Photographer Edward Burtynsky's gift to University of New Brunswick reveals a bigger picture
Centre d'archives de la grande zone argileuse - Clef en Main, un groupe à découvrir
Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto - Thursday, February 30
Then-and-Now: 10 Intersections in Toronto
A little girl in Toronto lost to history and now found
Digital History in the Classroom: Mapping Montreal Migration Stories
Archives de Montréal - La circulation à Montréal et la construction de la voie Camillien-Houde dans le parc du Mont-Royal (1950-1958)
Archives de Montréal - Appel aux photographes : résidence in-situ
The secret is out: Montreal is a data centre powerhouse
Long before Google, Winnipeggers found answers in library's Where File
A home for the story of Hamilton
Remembering the Marpole Bridge, which joined Vancouver and Richmond
Nelson (B.C.) - Indigenous archive exhibit opens at Touchstones
Vernon museum and archives (B.C.) unveils new exhibit
Snapshots of Canada: the Living Archive of the Sisters of Service Photograph Collection
À la découverte des archives de la Maison de la Congrégation des Soeurs des Saints Noms de Jésus et de Marie à Longueuil
L'évolution de la Gaspésie habitée racontée en photos
La version originale de La petite Aurore, l'enfant martyre restaurée
Researcher uncovers details about Vernon's (B.C.) WW I internment camp
Jewish Canadian women in uniform in WWII deserve a nod on International Women's Day
Bonne retraite à l'archiviste du Journal de Québec
Gaston Pelletier verra au développement du Musée du Témiscouata
L'archiviste face au manque de reconnaissance dans une organisation. Comment mieux se positionner?
La blogosphère archivistique : Convergence
Afrique / Africa
Liberia - Archives Boss Calls for Audit
L'Instance vérité et dignité obtient des archives secrètes de la France concernant la Tunisie
Amériques / Americas
National Archives Authority of St. Lucia has new archive series
Entretien avec Michel Duchein sur les contributions françaises à l'archivistique brésilienne
Outrage erupts over Washington lawmakers' public records law
Freedom of Information Act: a Colossus Under Assault
Classified Presidential Library Records to be Moved to D.C.
NARA - Make Access Happen
NARA - The Weapons Systems Evaluation Group
Library of Congress Conserves, Digitizes Rare Photographs Including Harriet Tubman Portrait
Library of Congress - The Copyright Office Celebrates Women
Large Archive of Hannah Arendt's Papers Digitized by the Library of Congress: Read Her Lectures, Drafts of Articles, Notes & Correspondence
Help National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health Shape a Data-Driven Future
State Archives of North Carolina - FAQs: Transitory Records
Yale University announces software recovery project
Yale University putting high-tech tests to its controversial Vinland Map
How University of California at Los Angeles created a treasure trove for film and TV lovers
University of Maryland - Partnerships in Advancing Digital Archival Education
University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Escape the Room… with Archives!
Airship collection making its way to the University of Akron
Simmons College - Librarians warn Christian fragility causes microaggressions
A Grim Task: Preserving Mementos from the Florida Shooting
Blockchain: it Landed in my Library and it Could be Coming to yours
Ickes: Off Limits at John Deere Corporate Archives
Apologies for the clickbait, but: Public media archives. Gamified transcription. Go ahead and click
Archdiocese of New York digitizing records dating back to 1785
How Photographs Printed on Paper Changed 19th-Century America
The Earliest Days of American Photography
Florence Bates, archivist for Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, dies at 92
Best Buy - Geek Squad's Relationship with FBI Is Cozier than we Thought
Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australasia Preserves: Establishing a digital preservation community of practice
Australia - My ancestors are in our memory institutions, but their voices are missing
Public Record Office Victoria (Australia) Responds to Report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
Oldest message in a bottle found on Western Australia beach
Politicians' Papers at Archives New Zealand
Singapore - Temple's rare historical records donated to National Library Board
Taiwan - National Palace Museum (Taipei) Digitizes Collection Publications with Musebooks
Here's what we Learned from the Online Database of Vietnam's Political Prisoners
Beta Version of Open Data Nepal: a Portal to Make Nepal’s Data Accessible Online
Government panel backs collection of copyright fees from Japan's music schools
India - Delhi archive to get new section on Bhagat Singh
Europe / Europa
Can we achieve multilingual copyright information on Europeana?
Historical Archives of the European Union - 100 year old Jean Monnet Archives discovered
Historical archives of Finnish missions abroad to be published online
Roumanie - Emil Cioran : les lettres confisquées par la Securitate en exclusivité
Belgique - Unanimité autour d'une résolution reconnaissant la ségrégation des métis
Guerre d'Algérie, Thomas Sankara... Quels choix politiques pour les archives françaises ?
France - Lancement d'une concertation nationale sur l'évaluation et la collecte des archives publiques
Bibliothèque nationale de France donates digital versions of Dunhuang manuscripts to National Digital Library of China
France - Le ministère des Affaires étrangères lance sa bibliothèque diplomatique numérique
UK National Archives hoping to launch bar and live music venue to open up hidden treasures
UK National Archives - First World War: the women of Buxton Lime Firms
UK National Archives - International Women’s Day 2018
UK National Archives - Royal weddings in history: the forgotten prince and his Milanese bride
UK National Archives - Tracking the Tudors: a special event for students
UK National Archives - The stories they tell: Archives and civilisation
The National Archives in Richmond applies to become fully licensed venue every day of the week
The British Library's race to save old audio recordings
Women of the British Library
Oxford University - Digital Preservation Roadshow: Part 2
York University archives shed fresh light on inspirational botanist Kit Rob
Future past: will archives survive digitisation?
Jesuits in Britain Archives - Making sense of a complex collection
Historic document discovery sheds light on the area following Battle of Hastings
The Entire Archives of Radical Philosophy Go Online: Read Essays by Michel Foucault, Alain Badiou, Judith Butler & More (1972-2018)
Moyen-Orient / Middle East
David Ben-Gurion wanted more women in government, Israel Defence Force archives reveal
Yad Vashem - The Haupt Family Documents
Einstein letter fetches $100,000 at Jerusalem auction
United Arab Emirates - National Archives to launch carnival
United Arab Emirates - National Archives kicks-off "Zayed in 100 Stories" workshops
Turkish genealogy database fascinates, frightens Turks
The Illegal Papyrus Trade and what Scholars Can Do to Stop it
IFLA - European copyright reform: where do we stand?
How Can we Use Web Archive?: a Brief Overview of WARP and how it Is Used
IT Science Case Study: how to Digitally Preserve Heritage Sites
Why the PDF Is Secretly the World's Most Important File Format
Blockchain Is Meaningless
How historical disease detectives are solving mysteries of the 1918 flu
Here Come the Fake Videos, Too
Cinq ans d'usage de Zotero, un blian
Peut-on évaluer les plateformes de veille selon les résultats retournés ?
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