Thursday, 2 July 2015

Vol. 8, no. 44

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Government of Canada - Transparency Reporting Guidelines

Suisse - Processus de préservation du Centre de coordination pour l'archivage à long terme de documents électroniques

Queensland State Archives - Transitory Records and Short Term Retention and Disposal Schedule

UK National Archives - Information Management Assessment: Department of Health

U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology - Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information in Nonfederal Information Systems and Organizations

Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés (France) - Étude d’impacts sur la vie privée : méthode et outillage

De la communauté / From the community
UNESCO Recommendation Concerning the Preservation of and Access to, Documentary Heritage in the Digital Era (Revised Draft)

Building the Digital Repository of Ireland Infrastructure Report

Digital Curation Centre - How to Track the Impact of Research Data with Metrics

Internet Archives - Machine Learning Identification of Duplicate Album Covers

OCLC - Stewardship of the Evolving Scholarly Record: from the Invisible Hand to Conscious Coordination

National Information Standards Organization - Protocol for Exchanging Serial Content 

Afnor - Big data : impact et attentes pour la normalisation 

Livre blanc sur les données ouvertes

W3C - Web Annotation Protocol (First Public Working Draft)

Paper - SHO (Saskatchewan History Online) and Tell: Collaborative Opportunities for Digital Archives (Given at the Association of Canadian Archivists Conference)

Paper - Amplifying the Impact of Open Access: Wikipedia and the Diffusion of Science

Article - Area Studies and Special Collections: Shared Challenges, Shared Strength

La Gazette des Archives, no. 238 (2015)

International Journal of Digital Curation, vol. 10, no. 2 (Opening Edition)

New Review of Academic Librarianship, vol. 21, no. 2, 2015 (Special Issue: Special Collections in a Digital Age)

Library Management, vol. 36, no. 6-7 (2015)

I2D: information, données & documents, no. 2, 2015 (dossier Datavisualisation : des données à la connaissance)

Bulletin de la Bibliothèque de l'Assemblée nationale du Québec, vol. 44, no. 1, 2015 (numéro spécial : Souvenirs de la guerre 14-18)

ISO 17316: 2015: Information and Documentation: International Standard Link Identifier (ISLI)

Book - Religion in Secular Archives: Soviet Atheism and Historical Knowledge

Book - Video Art Historicized: Traditions and Negotiations

Book - Cultures of International Exhibitions 1840-1940: Great Exhibitions in the Margins

Book - Libraries, Human Rights, and Social Justice: Enabling Access and Promoting Inclusion

Book - Peter Piller: Archive: Materials

Book - Minor Knowledge and Microhistory: Manuscript Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century

Book - Information Security: a Practical Guide 

Book - International Cultural Heritage Law

Livre - Les photographes et le droit : droit d'auteur et droit à l'image

Livre - Histoire des politiques du patrimoine culturel au Sénégal (1816-2000)

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Placentia Area Historical Society (Newfoundland) - Voices of Placentia Bay Exhibit
Starting July 30, 2015, Placentia

Feminist Memory: Digging the Archives
July 7, 2015, Amsterdam

Webinar - Creating File Plans for Electronic Records
July 8, 2015

Webinar - The Sedona Conference Commentary on Privacy and Information Security
July 27, 2015

Society of California Archivists Workshop & Mini-Conference
August 27-28, 2015, Sacramenteo

The Book of Kells: Rethinking and Researching a Great National Treasure
September 10-11, 2015, Dublin

The Information Governance Conference 2015
September 29 - October 1, 2015, Hartford (Connecticut)

Classification & Authority Control: Expanding Resource Discovery
October 29-30, 2015, Lisbon (Portugal)

UK National Archives Webinar - Tracing your Ancestors: Women in the Military Services During the First World War (Recording Available)
March 16, 2015

Sur le web / On the web
Video - On the Road to 2017 with Library and Archives Canada: the Year of Sport in Canada: Innovation and Jacques Plante

City of Edmonton Archives - Virtual Exhibit: the Flood of 1915

Western University Historypin Exhibit - The 1955 London, Ontario Centennial

Stanford University Libraries - ePADD (Software to Give Researchers Unprecedented Access to Email Archives)

AudioVisual Preservation Solutions - AVCC Inventory & Collection Management Tool

NARA Video - The Case for Records Management: Issues for Legal Counsel

Vidéo - Le centre des archives diplomatiques de Nantes (France)

Video - Methods for Capture and Preservation of Social Media Content of Relevance to Memory Organizations

TIFF/A Standard Initiative Launched

Slidecast - Big Metadata: Mining Special Collections Catalogs for New Knowledge

Slidecast - Implemening Linked Data & Discovery: Liberating Library Data & Empowering Users

Slidecast - Identifying the Benefit of Linked Data

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Key emails in Prime Minister's Office at risk of deletion, report finds

Canada extends recording copyright term, but what about authors rights?

Government accountability and history under siege

Library and Archives Canada - Open data: providing access to historical Government of Canada studies

Library and Archives Canada - Conserving the William Redver Stark sketchbooks: dates and locations

Architecture, heritage groups file lawsuit over communism memorial (to be built next to LAC building)

Group opposing location of Memorial to Victims of Communism seek financial support

Offensively tasteless Mother Canada statue plan sparks outrage against Prime Minister elects 2015 Board of Directors

Inuvialuit cultural resources to go online in digital library

Ontario Allows Real Estate Documents to Be Signed Electronically

The Archives of Ontario Remembers our Sporting Past

Partial Index of Manitoba Soldiers Killed in the First World War

BAnQ acquiert le fonds d’archives du Festival International de Jazz de Montréal grâce à un don de L’Équipe Spectra

Montreal Jazz Fest entrusts private archives to BAnQ

Budget pressures on Canadian university libraries force them to leave many Canadian-published books out of their collections

McMaster University - How a conservator spent eight months fixing a 545-year-old book 

Ecologist’s archive offers a glimpse of B.C. wilderness 

Ryerson University Archives and Special Collections - Caring for your Family Photograph Collection

History lives on at Langley university (Trinity Western University)

Elspeth Brown (University of Toronto) on digital collaboration in LGBTQ oral history 

Archivist takes pride in preserving artifacts, art, memories from Toronto’s queer culture

Historians want Maison Alcan's rich archives preserved

Rivière-du-Loup - Amateur historian fights in vain to correct the record on historic John A. Macdonald home

Trois-Rivières - Collection Robert-Lionel-Séguin: report de la date butoir

Repatriated archives bring Elgin hospital (Ont.) home

Belleville (Ont.) - The library and archives will work together

Kapuskasing (Ont.) - Northern Times donates past issues to library

Surprise, surprise: Eugenie Bouchard related to royalty

Afrique / Africa
Cameroon - Archives: Preservation Is an Imperative

Ghana - Businesses urged to adopt e-record management

Sénégal - L'Inspection générale d'État relance le débat sur la crise des archives administratives

Signature à Lisbonne d'un protocole de coopération entre le Maroc et le Portugal dans le domaine des archives

The South African History Archive releases list of Section 29 Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings obtained under Promotion of Access to Information Act

Amériques / Americas
State Department Gets Libya Emails that Hillary Clinton Didn’t Hand Over

Republican National Committee Files Freedom of Information Act Request on Hillary Clinton Personnel Practices

Internal Revenue Service permanently destroyed up to 24,000 Lerner emails after subpoena

IT tools can help declassification backlog, but is there funding?

Archivist of the United States Appoints New Director of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum

What I Do: Jessie Kratz, Historian for the National Archives 

Forgotten Images of the Korean War

Rhode Island Artscape: Oddities of the State Archives

University of Minnesota - Exploring the largest Sherlock Holmes archive in the world

Naval War College - Century-old documents made more accessible

University of Texas Harry Ransom Center - Initiative provides free access to more than 22,000 images of collection materials 

Watie treaty rediscovered in Northeastern State University archives

Hoover Institution Marks 70th Anniversary of UN Charter with New Collection

Web Archiving: Capturing the Human Experience: Interview with Trevor Alvord, Curator of 21st-century Mormonism and Western Americana at Brigham Young University

Carnegie Mellon University - Big Mechanism project: reading research papers in unprecedented depth

Q & A: Paul Gifford, University of Michigan-Flint Archivist

San Jose State's Japanese internment camp archives to be digitized

Sexual Minorities Archives: Queer Archiving = Queer Activism

Pre-Civil War baseball card hits auction block

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia - Royal Commission into child sexual abuse: children in care denied access to their own files

Australia - Collecting Digital: Legal Deposit extended for the National Library

Australian Museum - The First 100: Incredible photographs from the Archives 

Victorian-era photographs of the dead reveal moments of tenderness

Queensland State Library (Australia) - Web Archiving: what’s it All About?

New Zealand - Valuable Hawke’s Bay Archives Centralised and Online

India - Preserving glorious past by digitising rare manuscripts in Hadauti region

Europe / Europa
Cultivating a Commons approach: Europeana Governance 

Spain refuses to declassify state files from 1931 to 1968

Control over the past: Russia's archival policy and Second World War myths

Russian libraries go digital

Undeveloped First World War negatives discovered in German library archives

The Krakow Yiddish Theatre Postcards: a Crowdsourcing Experiment

Attention, sons en danger 

Suisse - Le big data préoccupe le Préposé fédéral à la protection des données

En 1895, la Belgique invente Internet, mais version papier

Belgique - La nouvelle vie du Mundaneum 

Belgique - Le géant Sony acquiert Memnon, spécialiste bruxellois de la numérisation d’archives

France - La réforme du droit d’auteur

France - Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin (National Commission on Informatics and Liberty): Privacy Needs to Be the Default, Not an Option

New French-language partners for the Wikipedia Library 

France - L'entrée des avocats dans l'ère du numérique

Ireland - Incredible archive snaps show Belfast Zoo from the 1930s to 1980s

National Library of Wales - Permanent home for Vietnam war photographer's work

UK - Data protection regulator launches staunch defence of Freedom of Information Act

UK National Archives - 1.9 million historic criminal records published online for the first time

UK National Archives - Online volunteers unearth details from Merchant Navy Crew Lists for 1915

UK National Archives - Aerial photography and the First World War

Export bar placed on John Logie Baird archive in effort to keep it in UK

Hear here: Exploring the British Library Sound Archive

British Library - Ten years of archiving the web

British Library - In awe of a precious Hebrew collection

Visitor boost for British Museum as it prepares for digital future 

BBC right to be forgotten list sets precedent

Hadrian's Wall frozen in time: new archive catalogues how English Heritage keeps historical site stuck in the past

This guy has collected almost every film poster ever made and is now selling them for £15million

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Franz Kafka’s manuscripts belong in Israel National Library, Tel Aviv court says

Archival documents reveal secrets of mission to rescue Israeli hostages at Entebbe

Stolen manuscripts returned to Turkey

Islamic State Is Selling Looted Art Online for Needed Cash

Copyright Exceptions and Limitations: Efforts by World Property International Organization Chair to Break Status Quo Gather Support

Digitizing the World through the Internet of Things could Be Worth $11 Trillion by 2025

A Link to the Past? Videogame Association Faces Preservation Challenge

Why Brands should Mine their Archives

Taxonomies for Indexing Images 

Report Suggests Young People May Abandon Social Media if Privacy Breaches Continue

There’s no such thing as a lone wolf in cyberspace

Instagram Challenges Twitter as Source for Real-Time Events

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