Thursday, 9 July 2015

Vol. 8, no. 45

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
UK National Archives - Guidance on the Implementation of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 

European Commission - Data Catalog Vocabulary Application Profile for Data Portals in Europe (Draft for Public Comments)

Ministère des Affaires sociales, de la Santé et des Droits des Femmes (France) - Données de santé : anonymat et risque de ré-identification

De la communauté / From the community
Archives Association of Ontario Strategic Plan 2015-2020

OCLC - The Archival Advantage: Integrating Archival Expertise into Management of Born-digital Library Materials

Ithaka S+R - Taking Stock: Sharing Responsibility for Print Preservation 

Open Knowledge - Democratising the Data Revolution

Observatoire des métiers de la fonction Information, no 2: métiers de l'archivage et du records management

Enssib - Les fusions d'université et la documentation

Paper - Digital Memory & Informational Privacy: Reflecting on the European Union's Right to Be Forgotten

Paper - Unremembering the Forgotten

Information Management, vol. 49, no. 4 (July-August 2015)

International Journal for Digital Art History, vol. 1, no. 1 (2015)

Scandinavian Library Quaterly, vol. 48, no. 1-2, 2015 (Special Issue on Access and Statistics)

First Monday, vol. 20, no. 7, July 2015 (with an article on the Twitter Archives at the Library of Congress) 

Archimag, no. 286 (Dossier : Presse et numérique, des deux côtés de l'écran)

IFLA Metadata Newsletter, vol. 1, no. 1 (2015)

Archives Society of Alberta, vol. 34, no. 3 (Spring 2015)

Trent Valley Archives (Ont.) Newsletter (July 2015)

Association of Research Libraries - SPEC Kit 347: Community-based Collections

Master Thesis - Preserving Social Media: a Case Study at Lulea University of Technology Archives (Sweden)

PhD Findings Report - Design Principles for Crowdsourcing Cultural Heritage

Book - An Uncommon Archive

Book - The Cloud Security Ecosystem: Technical, Legal, Business and Management Issues

Book - Technology and Digital Initiatives: Innovative Approaches for Museums

Book - Collections Care and Stewardship: Innovative Approaches for Museums

Book - Engagement and Access: Innovative Approaches for Museums

Book - Fundraising and Strategic Planning: Innovative Approaches for Museums

Book - Australian Intellectual Property (Second Edition)

Book - Information Professionals' Career Confidential: Straight Talk and Savvy Tips

Book - Library Programs and Services: the Fundamentals (Eight Edition)

Livre - Qu’est-ce que le Digital Labour ? 

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Exhibit - Imperial Designs: Samuel Holland's 1765 Map and the Making of Prince Edward Island 
July 5, 2015 - January 3, 2016, Charlottetown

Charlotte County Archives (New Brunswick) - Heritage Tour
August 8, 2015, St. Andrews

Humanités numériques 2015
11 au 13 août 2015, Montréal

Ottawa's Internet of Things Conference
September 24-25, 2015, Ottawa

Webinar - Email Archiving and Preservation
July 15, 2105

UK National Archives Webinar - Missing from the Census?
August 25, 2015

UK National Archives Webinar - How to Find your First World War Military Ancestors
September 14, 2015

The Daguerreotype Symposium 2015
October 8-9, 2015, Bry-sur-Marne (France)

Conference on Translingual and Transcultural Digital Humanities
October 19-20, 2015, Tartu (Estonia)

Crowdsourcing and the Academy: Exploring Promises and Problems of Collective Intelligence Methods in Humanities and Social Science Research
November 6, 2015, University of California at Berkeley

Leviathan North: Long-term Access to Government Information in the Digital Era (Presentations Available)
May 14-15, 2015, Toronto

Sur le web / On the web
Slidecast - Access for All: Canadian Museum for Human Rights's Reference Centre & Born Digital Materials (Given at ACA Annual Conference)

Port Hope Archives (Ont.) Newsletter Archives Now Online

Catholic Parish Registers at the National Library of Ireland

Video - An Introduction to HTTPS (Beginner)

Survey - File Formats Factors, Notification and Recommendation

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Ottawa censors majority of Access to Information requests

Canadian activists turn to UN with challenge to controversial anti-terror bill

Commemorative toonie with John McCrae's likeness to mark war poem's centenary Certified as Trustworthy Digital Repository

UK National Archives - Keeper’s Gallery: Newfoundland: Empire in the First World War 

United Church of Canada B.C. Conference Archives submits Residential School records to Truth and Reconciliation Commission

2015 Archives Association of Ontario Conference Survey Results 

Council of Archives New Brunswick - New Brunswick Grant Program

New Brunswick lodge guest list report issues warning about changing records

Archives of Manitoba - Political and Social Commentary in Letters from Home

Adoption du projet de loi 47 visant la modernisant la gouvernance de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec

BAnQ - Bonheur d’occasion : le reflet de la vie ouvrière d’autrefois

Ontario Jewish Archives' vault houses many records and collections of interest to family historians 

Ontario Jewish Archives wants to save Toronto's last Yiddish sign

McGill keeps Dick Pound’s extensive Olympic archive in secret

McGill - Dr. Catherine Guastavino of the School of Information Studies part of team to receive $11M in funding for innovations in music media and technology

Manuscript Traces Simon Fraser University's Architectural History

Simon Fraser University - Public Knowledge Project Launches New Open Access Publishing Cooperative Study

Two Roman-age Egyptian papyri rediscovered at University of British Columbia

Historic Gerald Bedford records available in University of Winnipeg archives

Have Web Collections? Want Link and Text Analysis? Check out the Warcbase Wiki

Two Steps forward, two steps back: city of Ottawa Archives

Toronto Star's historical Pan Am Games photos set for display

La Société historique du Saguenay s’inquiète des archives de Rio Tinto Alcan

Oshawa Community Museum and Archives a hidden gem in the city

Artefactual Systems becomes the newest member of the Open Preservation Foundation

Afrique / Africa
Field Notes from Angola: of Archived Archives and Anarchic Archives 

Ouvertures des archives au Cameroun: François Hollande a marqué des points

Cameroun - Déclassification des archives sur le massacre des camerounais par la France, vague de satisfactions des politiques, société civile et de l'opinion

Sénégal - Plaidoyer pour la construction de la maison des archives 

Congo - Bob Bobutaka: un pays sans archives bien traitées est semblable à un navire sans boussole

Les Archives du Maroc reçoivent en donation les archives privées du professeur Mohamed Guessous 

Algérie - Il est temps d'ouvrir les archives de la révolution

Un détournement caractérisé : 53 ans après, les archives algériennes toujours détenues par la France

Installation d’une commission mixte algéro-française pour restituer les archives historiques

UNESCO - Reconstruction of Timbuktu mausoleums nears completion 

South Africa - New Centre for Environmental Rights collection promotes access to long-sought environmental records

A Photographer Documents the Highs and Lows of LGBTQ Life in South Africa

Amériques / Americas
Installation d’un Directeur Général Adjoint aux Archives Nationales d’Haïti 

Virgin Islands - Denials, but no explanation why records altered in public records request

Hillary Clinton E-Mail Must Be Moved to National Archives, Group Says in Suit

Internal Revenue Service Lois Lerner Emails Impossible to Find or Save

Historians baffled by handprint on Declaration of Independence

National Archives documents show that nation's problems haven't changed much over time

Inside the Nuclear Bunker where America Preserves its Movie History

Historians crowdsource key reads about racial violence in America

Never-Before-Seen Photos Bring the Story of the Civil Rights Movement to Life

Every county court clerk in Iowa now able to file court documents online

University of California Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive announces date of opening, inaugural exhibition

MIT - Aga Khan Documentation Center receives noted islamic art and architecture scholar’s archive

Rutgers University - New Leadership Chosen for World's Largest Jazz Archive

J. Paul Getty Museum acquires rare trove of 19th century photographs from noted collector

DC Comics: Archive Library

New Jersey - Asbury Park: County's archives document centuries of citizenship

Houston's history being saved one photo at a time

Schomburg Center for Black Cultural Research Is Helping to Make Black Queer Lives Matter

Jack Kerouac Letter About Never-published Novel up for Auction

How to Build a Rare Book Collection

The entire print run of classic punk Slash magazine is now online    

Vinyl records are still riding that big comeback wave, sales up 38% in a year

Where are the books? Libraries under fire as they shift from print to digital

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
National Library of Australia - Preserving the very recent

Australia - The National Library's Annual Appeal: Australia’s Pounds and Pennies

State Records of New South Wales - Records management and the cloud: considerations for local government 

New Zealand - Auckland Museum takes collections online as part of global legacy

China State Archives Administration - Japanese war criminal confessions not forced: archive official

Europe / Europa
Copyright reform: promote cultural diversity and ensure access to it, say members of the European Parliament

Droit au déréférencement : bilan du G29 un an après l'arrêt de la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne

Dr Paul Klimpel, lawyer and cultural heritage activist: the future of Europe's cultural heritage

Europeana helps us tell a better story: an interview with Koehorst in ‘t Veld (graphic design agency)

Poland - 15 years of the Institute of National Remembrance in numbers

Hungary - Government cracks down on freedom of information 

Armenia - Five million documents digitized at National Archives 

Armenia - National archives to publish documents of estates of 4 Armenian catholicosates

Previously Unknown Footage of Armenian Genocide Survivors Shown in Italy

New Spain law sets big fines for disseminating police images

Dutch universities start their Elsevier boycott plan

Allemagne - Effondrement des archives de Cologne, l'histoire d'un sauvetage

Nazi telegram that sent Hitler into a rage sells for over £35,600 at auction

Rare vision of ancient documents inside the Vatican Secret Archives

Luxembourg - L’archivage électronique 2.0 devient réalité

France - Le droit de revendication d’archives publiques par l’État

France - La chasse aux manuscrits d'Alexandre Grothendieck a commencé

France - Les Archives départementales de la Côte d'or (Dijon) reçoivent un don de 71 000 clichés

Marie Curie’s Research Papers Are Still Radioactive 100+ Years Later

Ireland - Rare 1880s photo captures Achill Island women breaking stones

The battle to reform 300-year-old copyright law for the digital age

Britain on film: thousands of pieces of archive footage go online for first time 

UK National Archives - Foreign and Commonwealth Office files from 1983 released

National Archives reveal lighter banter of Foreign Office over Hong Kong-Northern Ireland

Digitizing the U.K.'s Audio Treasures

British Library - What is a Web Archive? (in less than 3 mins)

British Library - Turning research questions into computational queries: outputs from the Enabling Complex Analysis of Large Scale Digital Collections project 

Big UK Domain Data for the Arts and Humanities: working with the archive of UK web space, 1996–2013 

Not fade away... how robots are preserving our old newspapers

Ministry of Defense to release UK's top secret UFO X-Files that 'could prove aliens exist' 

Bodleian Libraries invite scholars, teachers and the public to explore its digital collections on new online portal

How a 170-year-old leaf provoked a hunt for the world’s first photographer

Transforming Archives: St George’s Chapel Archives, Windsor

Leeds nostalgia: pictures from the past as war postcards go online

Carmarthenshire Archives: Farce or Greek Tragedy?

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
The stolen library: Syrian artists poetically archive Arab publishing

IFLA stresses library position at UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Preservation of, Access to, Documentary Heritage expert meeting

Why PDF/A validation matters, even if you don’t have PDF/A

Why PDF/A validation matters: part 2

Hacking the Humanities

Digitization links with Digital Humanities 

Jorge Luis Borges’s infinite ‘Library of Babel’ has been digitized

Creative Reuse, Open Content and the Cultural Sector: a Brief History

How to recreate your childhood game library with the Internet Archive

Enterprises Don’t Have Big Data, they Just Have Bad Data

Days of our Digital Lives

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